To provide in-depth knowledge through effective pedagogies and practical exposure using the latest tools and technologies in the discipline of computer science and engineering.
To advance academics by performing state-of-the-art research and providing industry-oriented undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the discipline of computer science and engineering.
To nourish and imbibe human values and excellence, equipping young minds to utilize their creativity and passion in serving the global community’s needs.
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Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering (for all batches upto 2022 batch)
The department offers a four-year UG program looking at the need of the industry and the mission of the Institute to develop high-quality manpower. More details about the program can be found by clicking the following link:
Master of Technology in Information and Cybersecurity (for 2023 batch onwards)
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The department offers a two-year PG program in information and cybersecurity. More details about the program can be found by clicking the following link:

Area of Interest: Machine Learning, NLP, Deep Learning, Activities Recognition, Surveillance Analytics, Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Vision (Application)
Office Phone:+91-9630246099
Address: Block V, Room no. 206, ABV-IIITM Gwalior, Morena Link Road,Gwalior-474015 (M.P.), India.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The following laboratories have been established in the department of Computer Science and Engineering.
1. Lab Name: Secured Computing Lab
Venue: Room No. 003, Block V
Faculty In Charge: Prof. Shashikala Tapaswi
Brief Description:The laboratory consists of servers and desktop computers. The primary purpose of the lab is to provide training, workshops on Ethical hacking, Network Security, Digital and Network Forensics.
2. Lab Name: Machine Vision Lab
Venue: Room No. 114, Block V
Faculty In Charge: Prof. Karm Veer Arya
Brief Description:This research lab, in the Computer Science Engineering Department of the ABV-IIITM Gwalior, was established in 2015. This lab houses cutting-edge equipment for developing solutions to state-of-the-art research problems. This lab provides both hardware and software support to the researchers. It comprises high-end servers/workstations as computing facilities, machines for simulation, 24x7 power-backup, etc. For computer vision dataset generation, a specialized unit is developed in the lab that contains a high-quality camera and RGB colour background set-up with umbrella lights. The “Multimedia and Information Security Research Group” of the institute is also housed in this Laboratory. This research lab has contributed to 99 research articles, journals, and conference papers since its inception. PhD Research scholars and M.Tech. students work in this laboratory extensively to solve computer vision, bio-medical imaging, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence-based problems. Currently, researchers are working on problems like face super resolution, lung-nodule malignancy detection, multi-modal COVID-19 disease classification, crop disease detection, human emotion recognition, object detection, nature-inspired algorithms, etc. Many deep-learning models are proposed in the developmental phase of this research facility.
3. Lab Name: Robotics Lab
Venue: Room No. 213-B, Block V
Faculty In Charge: Dr. W. Wilfred Godfrey
Brief Description:Robotics lab is planned to expose the students to the general functioning of a robot. Students will be trained on a few general robots, and they will be allowed to implement their skills learned in other labs such as AI and control lab to design special purpose robots. Many B.Tech projects and M.Tech projects have been carried out in the lab. Further, two PhD students have earned their degrees working in this lab.
4. Lab Name: Generic Computing Lab
Venue: Room No. 005, Block IV
Faculty In Charge: Dr Saumya Bhadauria
Brief Description:The lab contains seven Acer i5 machines. The lab is mainly used for conducting lab classes for B.Tech and M.Tech students. Also, master’s and Ph.D. students use it as a seating place to carry out their research work.
5. Lab Name: Machine Learning and Software Development Lab
Venue: Room No. 002-B, Block V
Faculty In Charge: Dr. Santosh Singh Rathore
Brief Description:The lab consists of 5 desktop PCs (Intel i7, 16GB RAM), 1 GPU (Intel Xenon ® W-1290 CPU, 64GB RAM, 16GB dedicated GPU), 1 GPU (NVIDIA Quadro RTX 5000, 16 GB RAM). The lab is used by research scholars, MTech students, and project staff for research/thesis/project purposes.
6. Lab Name: Multimedia and Information Security Lab
Venue: Room No. 002-A, Block V
Faculty In Charge: Dr Debanjan Sadhya
Brief Description:The laboratory primarily caters to the academic requirements of the MTech first year students, specializing in the Information and Cyber Security program. Currently, the lab is equipped with ten desktop PC running the Linux Ubuntu OS with 2 GB RAM. This facility will be expanded later according to the requirements. The lab also serves as a sitting place for the MTech final year students during their thesis preparation.
7. Lab Name: Computational Intelligence and Data Mining Lab
Venue: Room No. 103, Block V
Faculty In Charge: Prof. Pramod Kumar Singh
Brief Description:The lab is currently used by one MTech. student and one Ph.D. student. Regarding computing resources, the lab is equipped with 12 PCs.
Faculty Name: Dr. Saumya Bhadauria
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Title: Machine learning Malware Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques for Industrial Control Systems
Funding Agency: C3iHub, DST Government of India.
File Number: IHUB-NTIHAC/2021/01/17
Amount: Rs. 15.07 lakhs
Duration: 2 years (2021 - 2023)
Faculty Name: Dr. Santosh Singh Rathore
Role: Principal Investigator (PI)
Title: Artificial Intelligence Enabled Dialogue based Online Medical System Development for Precision Healthcare
Funding Agency: SERB-DST, Government of India.
File Number: SRG/2021/000173
Amount: Rs. 15.43 lakhs
Duration: 2 years (2021 - 2023)
Faculty Name: Dr. Debanjan Sadhya
Role: Principal Investigator (PI)
Title: Design of privacy-preserving and efficient mechanisms for handling heterogeneous biometric data in the context of Aadhaar
Funding Agency: SERB-DST, Government of India.
File Number: SRG/2021/000051
Amount: Rs. 15.08 lakhs
Duration: 2 years (2021 - 2023)
Faculty Name: Dr. Wilfred Godfey
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Title: Industrial and Domestic monitoring and control using a decentralized cyber-physical system
Funding Agency: SERB-DST, Government of India.
File Number: CRG/2019/000883
Amount: Rs. 19.07 lakhs
Duration: 2 years (2020 - 2022)
Completed Sponsored Projects
Faculty Name: Dr. Wilfred Godfey
Role: Principal Investigator (PI)
Title: Agent based spatial modeling of Covid-19 pandemic for urban areas
Funding Agency:SERB-DST, Government of India.
File Number: MSC/2020/000471
Amount: Rs. 5.5 lakhs
Duration: 1 year (2020 - 2021)
Faculty Name: Prof. Karm Veer Arya
Role: Principal Investigator (PI)
Title: Person Identification on Android Operating System
Funding Agency: DST, Government of India.
File Number: DST/TSG/NTS/2013/19
Amount: Rs. 23.26 lakhs
Duration: 2 years (2014-2016)
Faculty Name: Prof. Karm Veer Arya
Role: Principal Investigator (PI)
Title: Automated Identification of Inflamatory cells in Hematoxylin & Eosin Stained Mice Skin Sections
Funding Agency: DRDE Gwalior.
File Number: DRDE-P1-2011/Task-190
Amount: Rs. 4.98 lakhs
Duration: 1 Year (2011-2012)
Completed Events
Dr. Santosh Singh Rathore conducted a seven day Karyashala (High-end Workshop) Sponsored by SERB on “Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Reliability and Security Analysis of Software Systems”, from 27th February – 5th March 2023.
Prof. Shashikala Tapaswi and Prof. Joydip Dhar organized a two-day workshop in online mode on “Cyber Security Technologies and Applications 2022” under the ISEA Phase-II project during June 1-2, 2022.
Prof Aditya Trivedi and Dr. W Wilfred Godfrey organized a two day workshop sponsored by SERB-DST project on “Industrial and Domestic Monitoring and Control using Decentralized Cyber Physical System” at ABV-IIITM Gwalior during 11-12 March, 2022.
Dr. Binod Prasad and Dr. Debanjan Sadhya conducted a five day workshop sponsored by TIIC, ABV-IIITM Gwalior (under TIDE 2.0) on “Innovations in IoT for Emerging Applications” at ABV-IIITM Gwalior in online mode during 12-16 February, 2022.
Dr. Santosh Singh Rathore and Dr. Vinal Patel conducted a five day workshop sponsored by TIIC, ABV-IIITM Gwalior (under TIDE 2.0) on “Enterprise Applications Development, Reliability, and Security” at ABV-IIITM Gwalior in online mode during 5-9 February, 2022.
Dr. Vinal Patel and Dr. Santosh Singh Rathore conducted a five day workshop sponsored by TIIC, ABV-IIITM Gwalior (under TIDE 2.0) on “Enterprise Healthcare System & Solution” at ABV-IIITM Gwalior in online mode during 15-19 January, 2022.
Dr Saumya Bhadauria delivered an expert talk on “Malware Analysis for Industrial Control Systems” at a workshop on Cyber Security Technologies and Applications CSTA-2022, ABV-IIITM, Gwalior.
Prof. Aditya Trivedi and Dr. W Wilfred Godfrey conducted an ATAL-FDP sponsored by AICTE entitled “Application of Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and IoT” in hybrid mode during 5-16 December, 2022.
The following training/research/development activities were carried out in the department during July 2022- June 2023.
- Shashikala Tapaswi published a monogram on Network attacks. She also worked on projects on Honey pots, Mobile Adhoc Networks etc.
- Shashikala Tapaswi received patents on Indoor Location Tracking and Image dehazing device.
- W. Wilfred Godfrey was the co-coordinator of two weeks Faculty Development Program on AI, IOT and Blockchain at ABV-IIITM Gwalior, 5-16 December 2022. The workshop was funded by the ATAL AICTE Training and Learning Academy.
- W. Wilfred Godfrey provided training to Working Professionals from Gujrat power engineering research institute on “Networking concepts and Network Automation” during the training Program conducted by ABV-IIITM during June 2023.
- Santosh Singh Rathore organized a SERB sponsored High-end workshop (Karyashala) on “Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Reliability and Security Analysis of Software Systems” between 27th Feb and 5th March 2023. The workshop hosted 25 participants (PhD and PG students) from across India. The speakers of the workshop were the faculty members of the prominent Indian institutes, industry experts, and scientists.
- Karm Veer Arya, Dr. Debanjan Sadhya and Dr. Avadh Kishor organized a workshop on “Applications of IoT Technology in Agriculture” from 26th May - 27th May 2023. The workshop was sponsored by Technology Innovation and Incubation Center (TIIC), ABV-IIITM Gwalior, and was primarily intended for UG, PG, and research scholars. The tentative topics for the workshop included introduction to IoT in agriculture, precision farming, livestock monitoring, data analytics in agriculture IoT, challenges and risks of IoT adoption in agriculture. A total of six speakers from reputed institutes conducted interactive sessions with the attendees.
- Amrendra Singh Yadav, Dr. Avadh Kishor and Prof. Pramod Kumar Singh co-organized a self-sponsored Online Short-Term Course on “Blockchain Technology and its Applications” 12th - 16th June 2023. The workshop featured esteemed speakers from renowned institutions such as IITs, NITs, IIITs, and reputed foreign universities. With 66 participants, including research scholars, faculty, and master's students, the workshop aimed to provide comprehensive training on blockchain technology and its recent applications. The online mode facilitated effective knowledge sharing and discussions, enabling the participants to enhance their understanding of this emerging field.
- Karm Veer Arya has received a project entitled “An IOT based complete sanitization system for the dispensary of ABV-IIITM Gwalior”, funded by TIIC, ABV-IIITM Gwalior (under TIDE 2.0 scheme). The total grant of the project is Rs. 3.0 lakhs.