Fully Funded by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India

शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा वित्त पोषित

Environment & Sustainability Education Efforts at IIITM

ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Gwalior
Intellectual Capital generated in Environment & Sustainability

Publications in Journals/Conferences as reported in Scopus

  1. Barsing, P., Daultani, Y., Vaidya, O.S. & Kumar, S. 2018, "Cross-docking Centre Location in a Supply Chain Network: A Social Network Analysis Approach", Global Business Review, vol. 19, no. 3_suppl, pp. S218-S234.
  2. Goyal, C. & Patwardhan, M. 2018, "Role of change management using ADKAR model: A study of the gender perspective in a leading bank organisation of India", International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, vol. 18, no. 3-4, pp. 297-316
  3. Kapse, C.P., Kumar, A., Dash, M.K., Zavadskas, E.K. & Luthra, S. 2018, "Developing textile entrepreneurial inclination model by integrating experts mining and ISM-MICMAC", International Journal of Production Research, vol. 56, no. 14, pp. 4709-4728.
  4. Kukkonen, A., Ylä-Anttila, T., Swarnakar, P., Broadbent, J., Lahsen, M. & Stoddart, M.C.J. 2018, "International organizations, advocacy coalitions, and domestication of global norms: Debates on climate change in Canada, the US, Brazil, and India", Environmental Science and Policy, vol. 81, pp. 54-62.
  5. Kulshreshtha, K., Tripathi, V. & Bajpai, N. 2018, "1971–2017: Evolution, exploration and test of time of conjoint analysis", Quality and Quantity, , pp. 1-27.
  6. 6. Kumar, A., Kaviani, M.A., Bottani, E., Dash, M.K. & Zavadskas, E.K. 2018, "Investigating the role of social media in polio prevention in India: a Delphi-DEMATEL approach", Kybernetes, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1053-1072.
  7. Kumar, A., Pal, A., Vohra, A., Gupta, S., Manchanda, S. & Dash, M.K. 2018, "Construction of capital procurement decision making model to optimize supplier selection using Fuzzy Delphi and AHP-DEMATEL", Benchmarking, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1528-1547.
  8. Kumar, N. & Vidyarthi, D.P. 2018, "A Green Routing Algorithm for IoT enabled Software Defined Wireless Sensor Network", IEEE Sensors Journal,
  9. Mathur, K.S. & Dhar, J. 2018, "Stability and permanence of an eco-epidemiological SEIN model with impulsive biological control", Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 675-692.
  10. Mishra, A. & Shukla, A. 2018, "Mathematical analysis of schema survival for genetic algorithms having dual mutation", Soft Computing, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 1763-1771.
  11. Mishra, I., Dongre, S., Kanwar, Y. & Prakash, J. 2018, "Detecting Users with Multiple Aliases on Twitter", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Confluence 2018 on Cloud Computing, Data Science and Engineering, Confluence 2018, pp. 560.
  12. Pandey, A., Sahu, R. & Dash, M.K. 2018, "Social media marketing impact on the purchase intention of millennials", International Journal of Business Information Systems, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 147-162.
  13. Prakash, G. 2018, "Exploring environmental sustainability in the food service supply chains", International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, vol. 5, no. 1-2, pp. 70-96.
  14. Prakash, G. 2018, "Managing welfare driven supply chains: Insights from the Indian PDS", International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, vol. 5, no. 1-2, pp. 97-107.
  15. Prakash, G. 2018, "Quality in higher education institutions: insights from the literature", TQM Journal, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 732-748.
  16. Sekhar, C., Patwardhan, M. & Vyas, V. 2018, "Linking Work Engagement to Job Performance Through Flexible Human Resource Management", Advances in Developing Human Resources, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 72-87.
  17. Singh, V. & Singh, G. 2018, "Citizen centric assessment framework for e-governance services quality", International Journal of Business Information Systems, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 1-20.
  18. Sisodiya, O.S., Misra, O.P. & Dhar, J. 2018, "Dynamics of cholera epidemics with impulsive vaccination and disinfection", Mathematical biosciences, vol. 298, pp. 46-57.
  19. Vyas, V., Roy, A. & Raitani, S. 2018, "Do the competitors affect cross-buying decisions?", International Journal of Bank Marketing, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 2-18.
  20. Jain, P., Vyas, V. & Roy, A. 2017, "Exploring the mediating role of intellectual capital and competitive advantage on the relation between CSR and financial performance in SMEs", Social Responsibility Journal, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1-23.
  21. Manjhi, Y. & Dhar, J. 2017, "Forecasting energy consumption using particle swarm optimization and gravitational search algorithm", Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies, ICACCCT 2016, pp. 417.
  22. Singh, V. & Agrawal, A. 2017, "Impact of business environment on balancing innovation process in Indian SMEs", International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 224-239.
  23. DHAR, J., JAIN, A. and K. GUPTA, V., 2016. A mathematical model of news propagation on online social network and a control strategy for rumor spreading. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 6(1),.
  24. JAIN, P., VYAS, V. and CHALASANI, D.P.S., 2016. Corporate social responsibility and financial performance in SMEs: A structural equation modelling approach. Global Business Review, 17(3), pp. 630-653
  25. ROY, A., SEKHAR, C. and VYAS, V., 2016. Barriers to internationalization: A study of small and medium enterprises in India. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 14(4), pp. 513-538
  26. SEKHAR, C., PATWARDHAN, M. and VYAS, V., 2016. A Study of HR Flexibility and Firm Performance: A Perspective from IT Industry. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 17(1), pp. 57-75.
  27. SINGH, H., DHAR, J. and BHATTI, H.S., 2016. Bifurcation in Disease Dynamics with Latent Period of Infection and Media Awareness. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 26(6),.
  28. SWARNAKAR, P., KUMAR, A. and WADHWA, M., 2016. Investigating preferred relationship through fuzzy sets in social networking sites. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 12(2), pp. 165-179.
  29. VASUDEVAN, M.K. and PRAKASH, G., 2016. Linking grave to cradle: The next big reverse logistics business. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 23(4), pp. 419-444.
  30. Ruchi Gupta and Gaurav Agrawal, 2016, Impact of Financial performance and size on corporate social responsibility: a study on Indian companies, International Journal Society Systems Science, Volume 8, No. 4, 306-319.
  31. Ruchi Gupta and Gaurav Agrawal, 2016, Corporate Social Responsibility in Emerging Economies: Assessing Environmental Reporting of Indian firms, International Business Management, Volume 10, Issue 9, 1575-1580.
  32. 32. Ylä-Anttila, T., & Swarnakar, P. ,2017, Crowding-in: How and why Indian civil society organizations mobilized on climate change. British Journal of Sociology, 68(2), 273-292.
  33. Broadbent, J, Sonnett, J. (…), Swarnakar, P (…), Zhengyi, S. ,2016,Conflicting Climate Change Frames in World Society, Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World . DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2378023116670660
  34. Kunwer Singh Mathur, Joydip Dhar, 2016, Stability and permanence of an ecoepidemiological SEIN model with impulsive biological control", Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.35 , pp. 1-18(IF: 0.802).
  35. Joydip Dhar, Randhir Singh Baghel,2016, Role of dissolved oxygen on the plankton dynamics in spatio-temporal domain", Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (Springer), Vol.2(1), pp.1-15.
  36. Harkaran Singh, Joydip Dhar, Harbax S Bhatti,2016, Dynamics of a prey-generalized predator system with disease in prey and gestation delay for predator", Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (Springer), Vol.2(2),pp 9-17
  37. Gaurav Agrawal, 2016, Corporate Social Disclosure and Financial Competitiveness: An empirical analysis of socially responsible Indian firms, International Research Conference, 30-31st May at American University in the Emirates in Dubai.
  38. 38. Swarnakar, P. & Ylä-Anttila, T., 2016,Social Movement Organizations, Epistemic Communities or a "Third Sector"? the Divergent Roles of Indian Civil Society Organizations in Policy Networks of Climate Change (Presented at ISA Forum of Sociology at Vienna 10-14 July 2016)
  39. Kukkonen, A. & Swarnakar, P. ,2016,Cimate Change Discourse Networks in the North and South: Comparing the US, Canada, Brazil and India (Presented at ISA Forum of Sociology at Vienna 10-14 July 2016)
  40. Gyan Prakash ,2016, "Assessing Sustainability In Food Processing Supply Chains: An Emerging Economy Perspective, EurOMA 2016, Trondheim, Norway, June 17-21, 2016.

Edited Book

  1. Swarnakar, P., Zavestoski, S., & Pattnaik, B. K. ,2017, Bottom-up Approaches in Governance and Adaptation for Sustainable Development: Case Studies from India and Bangladesh. SAGE Publications: New Delhi.

Book Chapters

  1. Zavestoski, S. & Swarnakar, P. ,2017,Governance for Sustainable Development in the Anthropocene: Lessons from Case Studies in India and Bangladesh. in Bottom-up Approaches in Governance and Adaptation for Sustainable Development: Case Studies from India and Bangladesh edited by P. Swarnakar, S. Zavestoski, & B. K. Pattnaik. SAGE Publications, New Delhi.
  2. Zavestoski, S. & Swarnakar, P.,2017,  Neither ‘Top-down’ nor ‘Bottom-up’: A ‘Middle-out’ Alternative to Sustainable Development in Bottom-up Approaches in Governance and Adaptation for Sustainable Development: Case Studies from India and Bangladesh edited by P. Swarnakar, S. Zavestoski, & B. K. Pattnaik. SAGE Publications, New Delhi.

Sponsored Projects (period 2015/2016/2017/2018)

Sn Title of project Funding agency Amount (Rs) Duration (From---to ---
1 “Climate Change Policy Networks (COMPON.ORG)” National Science Foundation and University of Minnesota, USA US$31,660 April 2014-March 2015.
2 Exploring the impact of Food Processing on the sustainability of the food supply chains- a UK, India Bilateral Analysis UKIERI-DST
Cambridge university
INR 35 Lakhs Jan 2015-Jan 2017

Thesis Guided (period 2015/2016/2017/2018) 

Sn Title of Thesis Student Name Year Supervisor(s) Type
1. Climate change and Indian print media:
Sentiment analysis using NLP
Akshay Sharma, Ankit Kumar,
Gaurav Singh
2016 Pradip Swarnakar BTP
2. Weather Forecasting: Rainfall Prediction Ashish Verma,
Dimpal Singh,
Sonali Yadav
2016 Pradip Swarnakar and
Ajay Kumar

MBA Thesis Report (Including IPG MBA)

S.NO. Title Author Guide Year Roll No
1 Indian millennial consumers awareness, statute & perceptions towards green marketing and green products K E Pradeep Dr. Pradeep Swarnkar



2 Green Purchasing: An investigation into the purchase intention of young Indian consumers Katum yomcha Dr. Pradeep Swarnkar



3 Impact of social media marketing and electronic word of mouth on brand Ikhlas Rizvi Dr. Pradeep Swarnkar



4 Effective Green Marketing approach of automobile industry Vinayank Krishna Dr. Gaurav Agrawal



5 A Review of Supply Chain Performance Management : 1995-2015 Abhinav Anand Dr Gyan Prakash



6 "The Structure of Sustainability Research in Marketing 1974-2014 : A Basis for future Research Opportunities Ashu Tiwari Dr Gaurav Agrawal



7 Exploring Knowledge Sharing Barriers using ANP Method Deepak Arya Dr Gyan Prakash



8 Role of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Equity in FMCG Companies Deepesh Jain Dr Gaurav Agrawal



9 CSR : Study of Indian Corporate Initiatives Challenges and Issues Kishore Ku Singh Dr Gaurav Agrawal



10 E-Governance Transparency & Accountability Pooja Dwivedi Dr. Vinay Singh



11 Impact of CSR on the Financial Performance of a Company Aaina Jain Dr Gaurav Agrawal



12 Impact of CSR on the Financial Performance of a Compny Aaina Jain Dr. Gaurav Agrawal



13 Impact of Social Media Marketing on Targeting Online Customer Ashish Singh Negi Dr P Swarnakar



14 Sustainable Supply Chain Practices and Performance Measures in Edible Oil Industry Harshita Kumar Dr Gyan Prakash



15 Social and Environmental Disclosure in BSE Listed Indian Companies Nupur Agrawal Dr Gaurav Agrawal



16 Impact of corporate social Responsibility on brand image India Prashan Singh Sengar Dr. Gaurav Agrawal



17 Role of Trade Unions & Government in Maintaining Good Industrial Relations A study of Manufacturing Sector Radhika Sharma Dr M Patwardhan



18 Impact of Advertisement on Women Buying Behaviour Raja Vaishnav Dr M.K Dash



19 CSR and Financial Competitiveness: A Case Study of Indian Information Technology Sector Sanil Khare Dr Gaurav Agrawal



20 Comparison of Volatility Measures of Major Indices (by Garch Model) Shailesh Mishra Dr vishal Vyas



21 Green Supply Chain Management Practices: Impact on Performance Varun Trivedi Dr Gyan Prakash



22 Literature review of agricultural fresh produce supply chain Ved Prakash Bobade Dr. Gyan Prakash



23 Analyzing Consumer Gifting Behaviour Using factor Analysis Vijay Ummat Dr M K Dash



24 Corporate Social Responsibility :An Analysis of Indian Commercial Banks Yashika Singh Dr Gaurav Agrawal



25 Social and Environmental Disclosure in BSE Listed Indian Companies Nupur Agrawal Dr Gaurav Agrawal



26 Citizens, perspective for key areas of public services delivery improvement through Lok Sewa Kendras (LSK) Abhinav Saxena Dr. Pradeep Swarnkar



27 Green organization: An exploratory Approach on green practices Kunal Kumar Jha Dr. Pradeep Swarnkar 2015 2013PSM007
28 Rural Electrification in Madhya Pradesh Pankaj Barsaiya Dr. Gyan Prakash 2015 2013PSM011
29 Healthcare model 2020: score of PPP Ronak Rao Dr. Gaurav Agrawal 2015 2013PSM013
30 Analyse the Automotive Companies with view of their Sustainable Practices Akash Kumar Dr Gaurav Agrawal 2016 2011IPG013
31 Mandatory corporate social responsibility and financial Performance: Assistance or Hindrance Anjali Nayak Dr Gaurav Agrawal 2016 2011IPG020
32 Study of Green Marketing Innovation Approach in Indian Small and Medium Enterprises Girdhari Lal Meena Dr Vinay Singh 2016 2011IPG040
33 Assessment of Organic Agriculture Produce: case of Organic Wheat in few Districts of MP Kapil Dhakad Dr Vinay Singh 2016 2011IPG047
34 Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in Indian Context Pawan K Meena Dr Gaurav Agrawal 2016 2011IPG076
35 Green Supply Chain Enablers : Indian Liquor Industry context Abhishek Kumar Dr Gyan Prakash 2016 2014MBA002
36 Environment Management system in fast moving consumer goods industry in India Apoorva Kulshrestha Dr Gaurav Agrawal 2016 2014MBA005
37 Assessing the structural changes in agrifresh produce supply chain : case study of potato and grapes Arti Gupta Dr Gyan Prakash 2016 2014MBA006
38 Indian Food processing industry: study of meat supply chain Rohit Tomar Dr. Gyan Prakash 2016 2014MBA019
39 Study of Supply Chain of sugarcane Industry in India Sandeep Tomar Dr Gyan Prakash 2016 2014MBA022
40 Governance Issues in Supply Chain of Newspaper Industry Ayush Agarwal Dr Gyan Prakash 2016 2014MBA024
41 Risk and Resilience in food supply chain Anshumeek upreti Dr.Gyan prakash 2017 2015MBA02
42 Identifying the factors of environmental sustainability in food service supply chain Neeraj kumar phookan Dr. Gyan prakash 2017 2015MBA09
43 Risk management in agriculture supply chain Naveen meena Dr. Gyan prakash 2017 2012IPG063
44 Determinants of corporate social responsibility in indian listed firms Patil Pratik jagannath Dr. Gaurav agrawal 2017 2012IPG069
45 Forecasting energy Consumption using Optimized Artificial Neural Network Yogesh Manjhi Dr J Dhar 2016 2011IPG-124
46 Estimating the availability of Solar Radiation Using Data Mining Techniqus Rahul Katoriya Dr J Dhar, Dr Pradip Swarnkar 2016 2011IPG-086
47 An approach to the analysis of user behavior in UPI based mobile payment systems in the new digital economy Amandeep Singh Dr. Gaurav Agrawal 2018 2013IPG013
48 Benchmarking Scheme for Wholesale stores efficiency: An Indian context Ankit kumar Dr. Yash Daultani 2018 2013IPG021
49 Policies, Strategies and Perspectives for Greater Absorption of Solar Energy into India's Energy Mix. Ashish Krishna Prof. Rajendra Sahu         Dr. Pradip Swararnakar 2018 2013IPG028
50 Experience From Lean Quality Circles (LQCs): Insights from some case studies Ashul Gupta Dr. Naval Bajpyee 2018 2016MBA06
51 Development of Green Supply Chain Management Strategies for the Indian Apple Industry Kartikay Kumar Randev Prof. Rajendra Sahu 2018 2016MBA12
52 An Application of Value Stream Mapping for Lean Operations in paint Industry Nakul Agarwal Dr. Yash Daultani 2018 2016MBA13
53 Inhibitors for sustainable packaging Nethala prithvi Prakash Dr. Gyan Prakash 2018 2016MBA16
54 Barrier Analysis for implementing Green Supply Chain Management Practices in Coal based thermal power sector Parmar Nilay Dinesh Kumar Prof. Rajendra Sahu 2018 2016MBA19
55 Enhancing Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Efficiency in Indian Scenario using toc framework Rishabh Singh Dr. Gyan Prakash 2018 2016MBA23
56 A Study on impact of Ethics and Culture on Organizational Performance in Petroleum Sector Ruby Yadav Dr. Naval Bajpyee 2018 2016MBA24
57 Enablers green supply chain Management: Indian Electric Automotive Industry Sandeep Kumar Das Dr. Gyan Prakash 2018 2016MBA25
58 Smart City: Mission of India Sandip Maurya Prof. Rajendra Sahu 2018 2016MBA26
59 Study of the perspective and barricade factors of Indian poultry farming industry Shrahi Singh Karanwal Dr. Vinay Singh 2018 2016MBA28
60 Relationship Between Innovation Management, Innovation capability and firm performance for solar PV Manufacturers in India Ananya Kapoor Dr. Vishal Vyas 2018 2016ITES02
61 Study of the green Supply Chain Management in Indian mining sector Kaushali Sarkar Dr. Gyan Prakash 2018 2016ITES06
62 Development of comprehensive balanced score card for electric vehicles business Suyash Singh Dr. Vinay Singh        Dr. Yash Daultani 2018 2016ITES10

Ph D Thesis

S.No. Title of Thesis Student Name Year Supervisor(s) Remarks
1. Mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility Ruchi Gupta 2017 Dr. Gaurav Agrawal Ph.D. Thesis
2 Anti-Nuclear Energy Movement in India: An Exploratory Study of the Establishment of Civil Nuclear Power in Koodankulam,
Napthalin Prabu 2017 Dr Pradip Swarnakar PhD Thesis

Conference /workshops

1 XX Society of Operations Management Conference 2016 22-24 Dec 2016 Dr Gyan Prakash Operations for Sustainable development
2 Brain storming workshop 10 Aug 2017 Dr Pradip Swarankar Post Paris accord

हमसे जुडे

एबीवी-भारतीय सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी और प्रबंधन संस्थान ग्वालियर, मोरेना लिंक रोड, ग्वालियर, मध्य प्रदेश, भारत, 474015

  • dummy info@iiitm.ac.in

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